
Emanuela Navarretta

Emanuela Navarretta was born in Campobasso on 3 January 1966. She is married and has two children.

During the 1989-1990 academic year, she took her diploma as a regular student at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa, as well as her undergraduate degree in Law with the highest marks and honors at the University of Pisa. Her undergraduate thesis was entitled, “Performance Bonds”

In 1992, with a dissertation on “Consideration and Autonomous Performance,” and the highest marks, with honors, she took her research doctorate from the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa. There she was appointed a Researcher in Private Law from 1994 to 1999 and, in 1999, became Associate Professor of Private Law.

Since 2001 she has been Full Professor of Private Law in the Law Faculty of the University of Pisa, where she served as Director from 2016 to 2020, after completing two terms as Vice Director. After many years heading the organization of the private law curriculum for students in the Doctoral Program in Law at the University of Pisa, she was elected Director of the program in 2020.

She is admitted to practice law and is enrolled in the registry of university professors admitted to legal practice.

      In 2001, Judge Navarretta was appointed to the Legislative Committee for drafting the Consolidated Text on processing personal data by the Minister of the Public Domain.

Since 2003 she has been a member of the European Center of Tort and Insurance Law and, since 2018, of the International European Law Institute (ELI).

In 2013 she was Rapporteur for the Justice Committee of the Chamber of Deputies regarding the personal injury reform project.

In 2020 she was appointed Deputy Vice Director of the Board of Directors of the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura, after being appointed a member of the board by the High Council of the Judiciary.

She has held positions on the boards of directors and editorial boards of numerous law journals, including Giustizia Civile, Osservatorio di Diritto Civile e Commerciale, Nuova Giurisprudenza Civile Commentata, Responsabilità Civile e Previdenza, and in public bodies for academic evaluation. She co-chairs the editorial board for the series Itinerari di Diritto Privato (il Mulino) and chaired the editorial board for the official series put out by the Law School of the University of Pisa (published by Giappichelli). She has edited commentaries on the Civil Code (Utet) and on the rules governing civil liability (Giuffrè).

She has served as academic head of several research projects funded by MIUR, by the Notaries Foundation, and by the University of Pisa.

Over the course of her academic career, Judge Navarretta has authored more than one hundred published works in the field, including books, book chapters, and articles in academic journals. She has dedicated particular attention to the bearing the Constitution has on private law and the impact that the complexity of European sources has on the civil order.